Friday, 20 June 2014

Hijab: A Muslima Eternal Beauty!

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

By Abu Abdullah Fattaah Salaah ibn Bearnard Brooks.
Indeed, all praises are due to Allah, we praise Him, seek His Aid and beg for His Forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil in our souls and from the bad consequences of our deeds. Whomever Allah guides, no one can lead that person astray and whomever Allah leads astray no one can guide that person. I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah Who is alone and without any partners and I bear witness that Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam is His slave and final Prophet and Messenger sent to mankind.
Certainly the most perfect speech is the Speech of Allah and the finest guidance is the guidance of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. The worst of affairs are those that are innovated into this religion as every innovation is misguidance and every misguidance is astray and every going astray leads to the Hell Fire.
It often occurs to me that many of my sisters in Islam are not properly encouraged once they begin to observe the requirements of Hijab. It may be that a sister has been obliged to wear the Hijab without truly pondering over its superiority. Perhaps she has reached the age of puberty and her Wali (guardian) has instructed her to wear it. Perhaps she has recently re-verted to Islam and her close sisters have told her of its obligation. Or, perhaps her husband has commanded her to wear Hijab. A sister who does not truly know the superiority of Hijab will always remain envious of the women of the Kufar. Why? Because they see these misguided women looking beautiful for all to see. Hence, the Muslim woman then compares herself to that woman which causes her to feel ashamed of her own Hijab.
Therefore, what follows is a reminder for my sisters in Islam. It is a reminder of the true status of these so-called beautiful women. It is a reminder that Hijab will always reign supreme and that the true man (i.e. the Muslim man), will forever be dazzled by the beauty of the Muhijabah (woman who wears the Hijab).
Some Excellent Qualities of Those Who Wear Hijab
Al-Hamdulilah, it is well known that the Muslim woman is a creature of Hayaa (modesty). Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves for our Muslim women to be shielded by their Hijab. It is their outer protection from the decadence of this life. Allah’s Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam has said:
"Verily! Allah is Hayaa (modest, bashful) & Sitteer (i.e. the One Who Shields - from disobedient acts). He loves Hayaa (i.e. He loves for one to practice modesty and bashfulness) and Siter (shielding; covering)." [Collected by Abu Dawud; An-Nissa’ee; Al-Baihaqee; Ahmad; & in Saheeh An-Nissa’ee]
Thus, as possessing Hayaa is a quality that is beloved by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala our sisters must feel comfort in knowing that they have this Hayaa and not the women who show themselves to the world; hence, such women will not be shielded from Allah’s subhanahu wa ta'ala Wrath. Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) said:
"Any woman who takes off her clothes in other than her husband’s home (to show off for unlawful purposes), has broken Allah’s shield upon her." [Collected by Abu Dawud & At-Tirmidhi]
Therefore, we see that the Hijab of the Muslim woman has a quality that comprises Hayaa (modesty). Hayaa is what proceeds from Iman (belief). That is why when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala commands the women to observe Hijab, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says:
"And tell the believing women..." [Surah An-Nur 24:31]
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala also says:
"...And the women of the believers..." [Surah Al-Ahzab 33:59]
Furthermore, Allah’s Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said:
"Al-Hayaa (modesty & bashfulness) is from Iman (belief) and Iman is in Al-Jannah (the Paradise)." [At-Tirmidhi - Saheeh]
He sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam also said:
"Hayaa (modesty and bashfulness) and Iman (belief) are fully associated together, if one is lifted the other follows suit." [Narrated by ‘Abd Allah bin ‘Umar; related by Al-Haakim in his "Mustadrak"]
My dear sisters in Islam, know that these women who beautify themselves for the world to see possess no Hayaa; thus, they are void of any Iman. Instead of looking to the latest fashion models for guidance, you, my dear sisters, must look to the wives of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. Look at the extreme amount of Hayaa that ‘Aisha bint Abu Bakr (RA) possessed even in the presence of the deceased:
'Aisha (RA) said: "I used to enter the room where the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam and my father (Abu Bakr) were later buried in without having my garment on me, saying it is only my husband and my father. But when ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab (RA) was later buried in (the same place), I did not enter the room except that I had my garment on being shy from ‘Umar." [As-Simt Ath’ameen Fee Maniqib Ummahat Ul-Mu’mineen by Ibn As-Sakir. Al-Haakim brings a similar narration which he says is "good according the conditions of Imaam Bukhari and Imaam Muslim"]
My dear sister in Islam, I know that it is quite difficult for you to go out wearing Hijab in a society that mocks and torments you.   I know that you, indeed, feel strange and out of place.  However, if you knew the status of those who are mocked by the Kufar as well as the status of the strangers, you will continue to wear your Hijab (i.e. to cover your entire body with a Khimar as commanded (24:31), as well as with a Jilbab (33:59), with the exception of the hands and face; however, knowing the recommendation to cover those parts (as well) with dignity. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in His Book:
"Verily! (During the worldly life) those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed.  And whenever they passed by them, used to wink one to another (in mockery);  And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting;  and when they saw them, they said: ‘Verily! These have indeed gone astray!’  But they (disbelievers, sinners) had not been sent as watchers over them (the believers).  But on this Day (the Day of Resurrection) those who believe will laugh at the disbelievers.  On (high) thrones, looking (at all things).  Are not the disbelievers paid (fully) for what they used to do?" [Surah Al-Mutaffifin 83:29-36]
Allah’s subhanahu wa ta'ala words should serve as a support for you my dear sisters. Also, take comfort in being a stranger among these lewd and sinful women. Allah’s Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said:
"Islam began as something strange, and it would revert to its (old position) of being strange, so good tidings for the strangers." [Narrated by Abu Huraira and Reported Saheeh Muslim]
As-Sufoor and It's Characteristics
As-Sufoor means to expose or to un-cover. Therefore, instead of practicing the Hijab (covering), the women of the Kufar practice As-Sufoor. As-Sufoor is sinful as it leads to At-Tabarooj (i.e. to make a dazzling display of oneself). Displaying oneself is a attribute of one who is Jaheel (ignorant). Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says:
"And stay in your houses and do not display yourselves (At-Tabarooj) like that of the times of ignorance..." [Surah Al-Ahzab 33:33]
Allah’s Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said:
"The best of your women is the affectionate, the fertile (in productivity), the propitious (favorable), the consultative if they fear Allah. The most evil of your women are the Mutabar’rijat (those who do At-Tabarooj), the Mutakhayelat (who strut/swagger), and they are the hypocrites. Those who enter Al-Jannah (the Paradise) are like the Cough Crow." [Al-Baihaqi in his "As-Sunan"]
My dear sisters in Islam, we see from the above Ayah and Hadith that displaying oneself is indeed Haram.  Further, it is a quality of the most evil of women!  Therefore, do not be envious of the women of the Kufar.   They only have this life to enjoy while the believing women will have Al-Jannah. There is nothing in your Hijab whatsoever to be ashamed of as it is the garment of the righteous and pious female slaves of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.  In order to truly show you how evil those women who make As-Sufoor and At-Tabarooj are, let us ponder over the following statement of Allah’s Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam:
"Of the people of Hell there are two types whom I have never seen, the one possessing whips like the tail of an Ox and they flog people with them. The second one, women who would be naked in spite of their being dressed, who are seduced (to wrong paths) and seduce others. Their hair is high like the humps (of camels). These women would not get into Al-Jannah (the Paradise) and they would not perceive its odor, although its fragrance can be perceived from such and such a distance." [Saheeh Muslim]
Sisters in Islam, these women who practice At-Tabarooj are common among us today. These are women that even the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam did not see! Look around you and you will see those women who are clothed but naked!  Look at the hair styles of the women who practice At-Tabarooj - are they not high like the camel’s hump?  My dear sister, perhaps we are the first generation since the time of the Prophet Adam (AS) to witness such women.  If one ponders over photos taken thirty to forty years ago, one will see that the women of the Kufar did not make At-Tabarooj as their offspring do today.   These are women who will be in the Hell Fire, save Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has mercy upon them by guiding them to Islam!  Thus, how can you envy them?  My brothers, how can you desire them over your creature of Hayaa? These filthy women will not even smell the fragrance of Paradise.  This Hadith also shows us that what the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam came with (i.e. the Qur’an and the Sunnah) is the Haqq (truth)!  This is a prophecy that has come to pass in front of our very eyes.  Hence, will we continue to envy these evil women or be grateful to our Lord for your Hijab which brings Hayaa?
Whatever I have written that is true is from Allah alone while anything that is false is from myself and shaytan. Subhanaka Allahummah wa bihamdika, ash hadu an la illaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atuboo ilayk

Coutesy of:, Image: hijab

Women: The Essence of the Ummah!

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

By Abu Qatadah
“...It is not a coincidence that the Qur’an tells us in ‘al-Qasas’ about the conflict between Musa and Fir’awn (Moses and Pharaoh), and the Qur’an’s focus on this conflict is the verse: {“And We wished to do a favor to those who were oppressed in the land, and to make them rulers and to make them the inheritors.”} [al-Qasas; 5] So, this transferal of power began with a woman, as Allah Said: {“And We inspired to the mother of Musa: "Suckle him. But, when you fear for him, cast him into the river and do not fear or grieve...””} [al-Qasas; 7]

So, the woman is the focal point of our conflict with our opponents, and the outcome of either victory or defeat will come through her. These are not words for a speech or poetry. Rather, it is the reality that we must all pay attention to.
So, you see today the best of this Ummah – where are its men? They are either in prisons, kicked out of their countries, or occupied with this struggle. So, who will protect the family and raise the children and see to the daily affairs of life? It is none other than the woman. And thanks to Allah, the Islamic Da’wah has won the battle until now when it comes to the woman despite the presence of some shortcomings in her being violated, corrupted, and turned into a source of corruption.
The conflict has begun in that the situation of the woman in our Ummah is not purely Islamic, as many social restrictions placed around the woman contradict the Shari’ah of Allah. For example, preventing her from education, preventing her from her right of ownership, looking down on her, and the spread of jahili practices against her – this reality gave a chance for the modern liberal jahiliyyah to gain acceptance with some of these poor women. With the help of their filthy devils, their goal is to transform the woman into a product to be displayed. Because of this, those of us involved in this da’wah have to free ourselves from these two forms of jahiliyyah – the first jahiliyyah and the second jahiliyyah; the corrupt jahiliyyah of the people and the jahiliyyah of liberalism. The correct path is with Islam, which is to respect the woman and appreciate her and to protect her rights to education and work that is within the guidelines of the Shari’ah, in addition to her rights of ownership, inheritance, etc.
And from the things we must struggle against in order to tighten the way for Satan to spread his message are high dowries in marriage, and to raise the excellent Islamic slogan of “The lesser your dowry is, the more your blessings will be,” as the presence of unmarried men and women who are at the age where they should be married is a hidden evil that can destroy every good. So, lowering dowries will end this, without a doubt. Also, we should break the shackles of this evil jahiliyyah such as the requirement of equal social status between spouses. This is a baseless condition, as Zaynab bint Jahsh – who was from Quraysh – married Zayd bin Harithah, who was a slave...and I have seen those who prefer that their daughters remain unmarried than to marry her to a Muslim who is not from the same country or tribe, and such people are described in the Shari’ah as oppressive caretakers, and their position as caretakers is nullified due to their inappropriate actions and foolishness.

The woman is the essence of our Ummah, and any shortcoming from her is a true defeat. Therefore, we have to take care of this aspect and to give it its proper attention. We see failure coming from some men who are on this path. However, until now, we have not seen failure from our sisters. Rather, we have only seen patience, resolve, faith, and true determination. Our sisters and mothers in Palestine are miracles of Allah in all of this, and some of them are unequal by hundreds of Mujahid men in their struggle, patience, and resolve. Likewise, we saw in the Gulf countries awareness among the women that was much stronger than what was with the men, and purity of heart in supporting the Mujahidin that we did not see from the men. So, all praise is for Allah, the Lord of the worlds. As for the West, the wives of the non-Arab brothers have Islam, faith, and awareness that we rarely see with the men. As for the wives of the Arab immigrants, they are generally much better and purer than their husbands. I heard many complaints from the Muslim women about the weakness of their husbands in regards to their religious practice, and this criticism proves the high status that our sisters hold and that they are better than the men, by the favor of Allah.
The attention that Satan and his soldiers give to the religious woman in her Hijab shows us the importance of this conflict. Therefore, it isn’t strange that France – with all of its problems – would turn its attention to fighting the Hijab and legislating laws to ban it, and to have many European countries imitate it in this devilish move. Likewise, if you follow what goes on in many conferences and the attention and effort given to destroy the family structure and the woman, you will come to realize that the woman is a fortress that is quite significant. So, this battle is one that we cannot ignore.
Al-Hamdulilah, it is well known that the Muslim woman is a creature of Hayaa (modesty). Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves for our Muslim women to be shielded by their Hijab. It is their outer protection from the decadence of this life. Allah’s Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam has said:
"Verily! Allah is Hayaa (modest, bashful) & Sitteer (i.e. the One Who Shields - from disobedient acts). He loves Hayaa (i.e. He loves for one to practice modesty and bashfulness) and Siter (shielding; covering)." [Collected by Abu Dawud; An-Nissa’ee; Al-Baihaqee; Ahmad; & in Saheeh An-Nissa’ee]
Thus, as possessing Hayaa is a quality that is beloved by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala our sisters must feel comfort in knowing that they have this Hayaa and not the women who show themselves to the world; hence, such women will not be shielded from Allah’s subhanahu wa ta'ala Wrath. Allah’s Messenger (SAWS) said:
"Any woman who takes off her clothes in other than her husband’s home (to show off for unlawful purposes), has broken Allah’s shield upon her." [Collected by Abu Dawud & At-Tirmidhi]
Therefore, we see that the Hijab of the Muslim woman has a quality that comprises Hayaa (modesty). Hayaa is what proceeds from Iman (belief). That is why when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala commands the women to observe Hijab, 
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says:
"And tell the believing women..." [Surah An-Nur 24:31]
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala also says:
"...And the women of the believers..." [Surah Al-Ahzab 33:59]
Furthermore, Allah’s Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said:
"Al-Hayaa (modesty & bashfulness) is from Iman (belief) and Iman is in Al-Jannah (the Paradise)." [At-Tirmidhi - Saheeh]
He sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam also said:

"Hayaa (modesty and bashfulness) and Iman (belief) are fully associated together, if one is lifted the other follows suit." [Narrated by ‘Abd Allah bin ‘Umar; related by Al-Haakim in his "Mustadrak"]

We have to teach our women, because education is what will protect her from failure. The ignorant woman is an enemy to herself, her husband, her household, and her society. And we have to defend her rights, and it is upon the propagators and scholars and religious people to distinguish true Islam from jahili social customs, because baseless social customs are the weapon that the modern jahiliyyah uses in its battle against the woman.

Why do we hear today of misyar marriages? I am not discussing the ruling on it here. Rather, I am discussing it as an unfamiliar social phenomenon, because the norm is that marriages are announced and known to all. The reason it now exists is because of the social deviation that is manifested in high dowries and the existence of the baseless condition of equal social status between the man and woman. So, the youth are turned off from marriage and remain unmarried, and the natural result is this sick, twisted form of marriage. This twisted form of marriage is what takes place when the woman is conscious of her Lord. However, if she is like other women, the result will be that she falls into a great offense, without a doubt...

We have the utmost love, respect, and appreciation for our believing mothers, sisters and daughters. And for our patient wives, we have all the love, prayers, and gratitude. Were it not for them, we would be nothing, and there would be no future for our children...”
Whatever I have written that is true is from Allah alone while anything that is false is from myself and shaytan. Subhanaka Allahummah wa bihamdika, ash hadu an la illaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atuboo ilayk

Source:, Courtesy of Iskandrani, Image:

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Do not fear them!

An Encouragement to Be Firm on the Truth,
Openly Express It, and to Not Fear the Helpers of  the Tyrants.

Know that being firm in speaking the truth to the faces of the assisters of the tyrants, making  them hear what they dislike of Tawhīd, criticism of their false gods, and disassociation from  them and their worshippers and helpers is the appropriate path for those who wish to be  from the helpers of the Religion of Allāh and the group that is supporting the Religion of  Allāh who cannot be harmed by those who oppose them or betray them until the Command of Allāh comes while they are in such a state.
We are referring here to Tawhīd and the call to it, and not unrelated details that will only serve to bring about harm to the Muslims. 
It might be said that when one is in a situation where he is being questioned by an authority figure, for example, such is not the time to express the word of truth, as the helpers of the  tyrants don’t want to know the truth at this moment as much as they simply want to know  your mindset and belief in order to take you to account and judge you for it.
In response, we say that this is true. However, there is no reason why you cannot relay the  word of truth to one of them in a beautiful way such that it shakes him strongly and lands in  his heart. In any case, the situation differs based on the people and circumstances involved.
If a person is imprisoned and sees that he is weak and cannot handle the ramifications of this open proclamation of the truth, he does not have to do so, with the condition that he never says a word that constitutes kufr if he is not in a state of true coercion, since many people are excessively easy on themselves when it comes to this, and they excuse themselves in saying words of kufr that they were not coerced, beaten, or otherwise forced into saying by claiming to be in a position of weakness. This comes despite the fact that one can use vague terms, answer with another question, or simply say ‘I don’t know’ out of fear of giving a false fatwā or speaking about the Religion of Allāh without knowledge. I say that this saves one from speaking a word of falsehood or kufr, mixing truth with falsehood, or expressing one’s  approval of their disbelief and false gods when not in a state of coercion, and it has come in a hadīth that the Messenger of Allāh (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever believes in Allāh and the Last Day, let him speak what is good or remain silent.”
In any case, in many countries, they do not care what you believe or say to those who  interrogate you as much as they care what you say in the streets or the mosques in the  presence of people, such as speaking against the tyrants and turning people against them. In some places, what you say cannot even hurt you unless you sign your name to it on a piece of paper with your interrogators. So, it is possible for you to speak the word of truth openly without having it signed to on paper, and it is possible for the brothers upon Tawhīd to speak in general terms without mentioning specific tyrants by name that they are criticizing. Every situation has its proper thing to say and every place has its own circumstances, and those upon Tawhīd can sum these factors up on their own.
 However, what is most appropriate for the brother upon Tawhīd - especially if he is from  those who have taken it upon themselves to call the people and speak the word of truth - is to remain firm upon this in the face of the tyrants even if he is beaten, harmed, or hears from them whatever he hears. After all, he is not the first or the last of those who have chosen this path, as he has been preceded by the Prophets, the truthful, and the martyrs.
How many of the Messengers were harmed to the point of some being killed? Likewise, the righteous people who followed them were tied to boulders and cut up with saws! None of this increased them except in faith and submission! And it is authentically reported from the Messenger of Allāh (peace be upon him) that he said: “The leader of the martyrs is Hamzah, as well as a man who stood up to a tyrannical leader and commanded and  forbade him, and was killed by him as a result.”
 So, beware of pleasing the people by angering Allāh. Rather, anger the people by pleasing Allāh, and you will then own their  hearts and dominate them, and Allāh will place awe of you in their hearts.
And many of our brothers upon Tawhīd have tried this in the most uncomfortable of circumstances, and this only brought about respect, veneration, and awe in the hearts of the enemies of Allāh for them, and it was reported by al-Imām Ahmad and others from Abī Sa’īd al-Khudrī (may Allāh be Pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allāh (peace be upon him) said: “A man should not let intimidation by people prevent him from speaking the  truth if he sees or witnesses a situation where he should do so, as speaking the truth or mentioning something important will not shorten his life or delay his provision.”
 Also, my Muwahhid brother, do not forget that such situations are witnessed by the Angels
and Seen by Allāh, and they are placed in a record. So, allow a record to be made for yourself of a situation that will distance you from the enemies of Allāh and bring you closer to your Master and Helper, and that you can use in your favor on the Day in which no wealth or children will be of any benefit, and only those who come to Allāh with a sound heart will be saved. 

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