Wednesday, 30 July 2014

How to connect your feelings with your Lord?

In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

By Qamar Ul Islam & Mishary Al-Kharraz.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, we praise Him, seek His help and ask Him for forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides, none can misguide and whoever Allah leaves to stray, none can guide. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah alone, who has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad (PBUH) is His servant and Messenger.

Have you notice, why mother get nervous and get tense and always thinking about her child even he/she going outside for a purpose for a short time. Why mother get attached to her child and vice-versa. Similarly a husband loves his wife and wife love his husband, because they are mutually connected with the strong bond with emotions and feelings. These feelings are attached in normally all the human beings with some sort of relation for e.g. Mother-Son/daughter, Father-Son/daughter, nice-nephew, brother-sister, husband-wife and soon.

These feelings are results of time, patience and endurance to one relations, that gradually develops in the heart. If it is developed then all things are easy to tackle. For example: A person can do a piece of work at right time because he knows my mother say so, so he doesn’t want to disobey her. Similarly wife takes necessary precautions while making a food because she doesn’t want to hurt her husband because she loves her.

Similarly, If we want to attached our feelings with our lord, then the most important thing is to connect our feelings with his beloved book i.e. none other than “The Holy Qur’an” because it is the words of Allah Subhanahutallah. Give your time to learn, understand and recite it. Learn it by your heart not by words only just like a parrot which memorizes certain phrase and he is just repeating these words without knowing its meaning, we have to learn Arabic language related to the Qur’an.

Now before any change in us can take place, we need to re-examine our outlook on prayer.
Ask yourself: Why do I learn Qur’an? Why do I pray? Is it just because have to? Is is just this daily duty out of the way and over with? Or maybe it is because everyone just does it is so I do it too?
It’s time to make a change. We need to start praying out of sincere Love. Pray out of longing to be with the one of you love. Pray for the peace and comfort that comes from the being with the one you love.
There are three reasons which make you love someone:
1. Either because that someone is beautiful!
2. Or because that someone always deals kindly with you.
3. Or because that someone has done many favours for you.

Think of Allah now. He is all of the above and more isn’t He? Doesn’t He then deserve to be the most worthy of our love over everything and anyone else? To truly love Allah (swt) is to truly taste the greatest love in existence! It is to truly taste the beauty of Allah.

As to Allah’s beauty, look around at all that is beautiful in creation, be it inner or outer beauty. It is all but a small hint to the ultimate beauty He beholds. If every person was created with the beauty of Prophet Yusuf and his total beauty was combined with the beauty was combined with the beauty of everything we see around us – all this in comparison to the beauty of Allah, would be like that of a weak candle light to the brightness of the Sun.

As to Allah’s kindness and favours upons us, just close your eyes momentarily to appreciate just the gift of sight alone. If we were to count His favours upon us, never will we be able to enumerate them.

If you’ll really love Allah, then all things are easy, if you’ll try do something wrong, then you’ll never do it because Allah’s love doesn’t allow you to do that. If you do it unintentionally or for some reason these feelings of love makes you cry and you’ll never find relief until you’ll ask forgiveness from the Lord.

Hope this article serves helpful to all the people who seriously takes priority to the Allah’s Love over all other feelings and emotions. Whatever I have written that is true is from Allah alone while anything that is false is from myself and shaytan. Subhanaka Allahummah wa bihamdika, ash hadu an la illaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atuboo ilayk.

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