In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most
According to the Holy Qur’an, there are
three types of love. I. High (spiritual)
love, II. Middle love, III. Low love.
Now, let us talk for a
while in detail about each of these types, praying for Allah’s guidance to the straightway,
for it is Him alone, who we beseech aid and guidance.
I. High (spiritual) Love:
Undoubtedly, love of
Allah and His Messenger, and Striving in His path is preferred; in the sight of
pious men, above all other types of love, as love of Allah and His Messenger is
a requirement of faith and a condition of being a true Muslim. It is also the
only way to support Allah’s religion, spread the message of Islam, and
establishes the edifice of Islam throughout the world.
Certainly the believer, who tastes the joys
of belief, inclines more to the love of Allah, as he knows that Allah is the Most Glorified, the Most Great and the Most Perfect. No one can multiply or describe this perfection and
glory. He also believes that divine law should be followed, because it is
comprehensive and free from bias and imperfection. Therefore, he endeavors
truthfully and determinedly to establish this law because he realizes that:
“And your Lord creates whatever He
wills and chooses: no choices have they (in any matter). Glorified is Allah,
and exalted above all that they associate (as partners with Him)” (Surah Al-Qasas: 68, The Holy Quran)
Allah also declares:
“It is not for a believer, a man
or women, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should
have any option in their decisions” (Surah Al-Ahzab: 36, The Holy
“Say, “Do you know
better or does Allah knows better…?” (Surah Al-Baqarah: 140, The Holy
“And Allah is the
All-Knower of each and everything” (Surah Al-Baqarah: 282, The Holy
He also says:
“And Allah knows and
you know not” (Surah An-Noor: 19, The Holy Quran)
“And Allah is
All-knower, All-Wise” (Surah Al-Anfal: 71, The Holy Quran)
“Certainly He is
All-Mighty, All-Wise” (Surah Al-Anfal: 63, The Holy Quran)
“Say: Muhammad (peace be upon him) ‘Shall I seek a
judge other than Allah while it is He Who has sent down unto you the Book (The
Holy Qur’an), explained in details”
(Surah Al-An’am: 114,
The Holy Qur’an)
He also declares:
“Have you seen him who takes his
own lusts (vain desires) as his ilah (god), and Allah knowing (him as such),
left him astray, and sealed his hearing and his heart, and put a cover over his
sight. Who then will guide him after Allah? Will you not then remember?” (Surah
Al-Jathiya: 23, The Holy Qur’an)
Whatever I have
written that is true is from Allah alone while anything that is false is from
myself and shaytan. Subhanaka Allahummah wa bihamdika, ash hadu an la illaha
illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atuboo ilayk.
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A Believer's True Love:
Source:, Forward By Prof. Abdullah Tantaawy, ‘Abdullah Nasih ‘Ulwan
Hi everyone,
ReplyDeleteHow are you? I hope you are all well.Today I talking about true love.So please drawing kind attention from all.Some people think true love is just talking kind, warm and cute words to each other, love is just telling “I love you”, is just being together and having fun. But reality is a bit different and love is hard. So what the true love meant to be? It's caring of someone you love, being with him when he needs your help, doing everything to protect and look after him.To know more information about true love than you can visit-truelove
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