Friday, 14 November 2014

Thanks by your Heart!

In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

By Qamar Ul Islam
All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, seek His aid and ask for His forgiveness. Peace and Blessing be upon Muhammad ..

Many people say “I’m really thankful to Allah” but they didn't mean that, 'coz there actions are just opposite to what they do . Basically, Thanks is the word of “Expression of Gratitude” or ”to be in favor” which doesn't mean to say “thanks” by your tongue only, it must  be through your heart also. Here, thanks from your  heart is mainly concerned because person feels really good when you really thanks him/her and in the end result that person may be to start love you. 

A person loves  or thanks to you because of three main distinguish factors:
1.      Because of your beauty and your physical appearance.
2.      Because he/she may have numerous favor on you.
3.      Because he/she may very kind of you.

Now just imagine, Allah, the creator of heavens and earth and all of his creations, galaxies etc have such a wide range you can’t predict exceptionally mind blowing. You may sometimes feel good, you and every person is beautiful upon their eyes, Just think if the creations are so beautiful then imagine how shall be the invincible beauty of the creator himself. Then,  why we don’t want to thanks Allah by all our heart more then anyone else.

Just see your body, if a person is blind then imagine how harsh his/her life shall be, Similarly every body parts are priceless, even human body cells are so important that no one can purchase them with all the money of this world you have. Now see, how we've such numerous favors upon us by our lord (Allah) then you didn't predict completely by your mind. Then why we don’t want to thanks Allah more then anyone else.

Just see his beloved prophet Muhammad true teachings of Islam, every sunnah is so easy and have extensive benefits not only on your health but also in the everlasting life in the hereafter. His kindness is so generous, as Allah say’s “There is no creation in the whole universe whose nourishment is not a responsibility of mine, I’ll not only provide food to everyone but it’s my responsibility to give food to all of my creations”. So, Just ask question by your self, why we  don’t want to thanks Allah by our heart more then anyone else.

I hope this article serves helpful to all the people who really wants to thanks Allah by all their heart not simply by words only. Whatever I have written that is true is from Allah alone while anything that is false is from myself and shaytan. Subhanaka Allahummah wa bihamdika, ash hadu an la illaha illa anta, astaghfiruka wa atuboo ilayk.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Marriage – The Halal Love Between Man And Woman!

In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
Image © muslim-couple

The concept of love before marriage is a controversial one in Islam. There are many scholars who believe that love before marriage is forbidden and is indeed haram.  So the question is how does one decide if the person is right for them if they are not in love with them before marriage? The process is very simple. And indeed, halal.

Allah has made man and woman and given them feelings of attraction for each other which are indeed very powerful. At the same time Allah has forbidden the contact of man and woman before marriage. If a brother likes a girl and wants to marry her in the halal way, and hence give birth to halal love, he is to request her parents for her hand in marriage and the girl has to be given a chance to see him in the presence of “mahrams”. That is the halal way!

Allah has said in the Quran: “Let the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their modesty…. not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women.”.

This ayah in itself tells us that men and women are to stay away from each other if they are not connected together in a halal way. And the only halal way that is true for them is Muslim marriage. The halal love that we talk about is only through marriage. It cannot be attained between man and woman through dating, going out before marriage, holding hands before marriage or speaking to each other for hours on the phone.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said in a tradition that: “A Man Must Never Be Alone With A Woman, For Verily The Shaitan Is Their Third.” Hence all these acts mentioned above that a man and woman do are not only haraam, but also bring about the wrath of Allah as the couple is in the company of the devil. And indeed that is the worst company, one that is tailor-made to take you away from Jannah and towards doom.

Whereas, when a man and woman love each other in the capacity of marriage, the angels guard them when they are together and they are pulled towards Allah, such that when they live together and pray together and sleep together, they are moving one step towards Paradise. Indeed the halal love of marriage is taking them there. So why not embrace it and go there!