Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Be moderate when you love or hate!

In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

Image: love

O Youth! If you adhere to Islamic brotherhood, deepen your love of Allah, and follow the percepts of Islam concerning social relationships, Islamic unity will be achieved; Islam will spread throughout the world; Islamic civilization will be renewed, and the pillars of solidarity, cooperation, and altruism will be firmly established in the Islamic society.
Through history we know about countries, which established Islamic law and adhered to love for the sake of Allah and became richer, having a stronger spirit of cooperation, solidarity, and love predominating among the people. Unity, power, and glory were their slogans before the whole world.

Before I conclude my words, I would like to advise you to follow the principle of moderation as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ordered us; be moderate when you love, as your lover may become your enemy. Be moderate when you hate, as the one you hate become your lover. Al-Khara’ity reported that Imam Hassan al-Basri recommended: “Choose good friends, good brothers, and good councils. Be moderate when you love and hate. Some people were hurt because of their excessiveness in love. If a man tells you a secret, you should keep it.

Ali Ibn Abi Talib, (may Allah honor him), recommended and advised his colleagues and friends saying,
Do good deeds and forgive others,
Because you will harvest the
Results of your actions.
Be moderate when you love,
Because you do not know the
Time of hate and quarrel.
Be moderate when you hate,
Because you do not know the
Time of love.

O youth, though moderation in love and hate, you will open the gate of understanding, reconcilialation and sincerity, and open a way to brotherhood and agreement, and follow the precepts of Islam that recommend the respect of men and praise good people. You should not praise other people more than they deserve. If you do so, you will be like those who are ignorant and exceed the proper boundaries. Allah, the almighty may reconcile two opponents under the shade of Islamic brotherhood after they thought that they could not reconcile or meet gain. May Allah have mercy on the poet who said:

Allah may reconcile between two
Opponents after they thought
That they would not reconcile
And meet again.

Many people were moderate when they loved others. They respected and loved them without exaggerating in their love. They did not love them as they loved Allah. They did not raise them in their love, to the rank of Allah nor to the rank of prophecy. They used to measure men with truth. Islam is pleased when it finds truthful men and friendly youth practicing Islamic teachings in all aspects of life. If the Islamic call presents truthful and faithful callers of whom people will follow, it will harvest millions of people who apply the teachings of Islam. Moreover, it also reaps the best fruits and results, and thereupon, the believers will be pleased with Allah’s victory.

“And Say (O Muhammad (peace be upon him) “Do deeds! Allah will see your deeds, and (so will) His messenger and the believers. And you will be brought back to the All-knower of the unseen and the seen. Then He will inform you of what you used to do”
(Surah At-Taubah: 105, The Holy Qur’an)

Messege by ‘Abdullah Nasih ‘Ulwan, Professor of Islamic Studies, King Abdul-‘Aziz University.

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